Met up with a bunch of friends, some of which have never had Jura before..and yes, I know this is supposed to be about Australian wine *shruG*
I think the general consensus is most people, when exposed to Jura for the first time, will dislike to my surprise and almost disappointment, all of our friends that were new to the Jura ENJOYED it...
How can that be? I'm not sure...there are a couple of theories we've come up with..
First is, in the context of all Jura, they don't seem all that weird. When you contrast with what you consider normal, they just feel way out there.
Second is, when people around you are enjoying the wine, you tend to look for positives as well...We've seen group think impact the impression of wines on a given table or even different ends of a table....
What do I think? I think it is combination of the two....I think in a context of a normal wine and Jura, it will just be too far out there regardless of what others might think about it around you. I think if you tried some Jura for the first time on your own, you might not really understand it as easily or it just might be too weird.
Of course, the evening was helped by the fact that we started off with some relatively tame Jura, including some Ganevat which is more mainstream appealing (but they were still fabulous).
Not that I want anyone to be buying Jura...I'm perfectly happy where it is right now in the $ spectrum...