I get asked by a lot of people..."What should I buy?".....but rather than give them the answer they want to hear...I always give them back something they probably don't want to hear...which is...Buy what you like to drink..
I've heard some people say that is a bad idea...I don't see how that is possible. If you are going to buy wine, it should appeal to your palate...and the only person that will know what you like is you.
How much wine you should buy will depend on each individual but here are my suggestions...
If you are getting into wine and you plan on tasting many different things and you are thinking of being a bit more serious/geeky about your wine...do not buy more than a couple of bottles of any one thing. I can think of no better way to get a cellar full of stuff you no longer want to drink than to buy wine by the case. This isn't to say you'll never buy a case of anything...but it is fair to say, if you're getting "into" wine, your palate will probably change quite a bit over the next couple of years...It'll change faster than you'll be able to drink that case because you'll have bought cases of other stuff as well.....On the plus side, you'll have plenty of wine your non-wine geek friends will likely enjoy..
If you like wine but don't plan on doing tastings on a regular basis, go ahead and buy a case or maybe just half a case. Your palate will likely not change quickly and you should buy stuff you like...
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